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A Lesson on Christmas Eve

While I normally avoid stores at all costs in the days leading to Christmas, I braved the crowds to grab a few last minute items this Christmas Eve. An older man, scraggly but very nice, was hanging outside the door of the grocery store. I didn’t hear what he asked me at first on my way in, but I assumed it was a request for money. Speaking honestly, I said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t have any cash.”

He replied, “No ma’am, could you get me a piece of chicken or something out of there?”

Taken aback, I said, “A piece of chicken? Sure, I’ll be back.”

I shopped real quick, grabbed an 8-piece off of the chicken warmer, and grabbed a couple of individual drinks on my way to the check out line. With everything being closed tomorrow, I figured this would hopefully hold him longer than just a couple pieces would have. Plus, he might be able to share the extra with someone else who needs it.

When I got back outside, I was tickled. My guy had inherited a bag of Pringles and snacks from somebody else. I joked, “You're out here racking up aren’t you?” With a laugh and a jack-o-lantern grin that could still rival Santa's, he joked back, “Yeah!”

When I handed him the carton of chicken and drinks, he was so surprised. He exclaimed, “Ma’am, I just said one piece! You didn’t have to do that! Thank you!” I told him that I was just trying to do the right thing and hoped it would hold him a bit longer. He was so grateful. We wished each other a Merry Christmas, and I headed to my car. That’s when I noticed that there was another man next to him, off to the side, sitting in a wheelchair. The standing man immediately offered him some of the food. 

Please don’t get under this post commending me for anything; doing what’s right is supposed to be the standard and I’m not sharing this to receive applause. My point in sharing is to remind you, Beloved Reader, that while times have been hard for everybody this year in one way or another, they could still be a lot worse. Money might be stretched thin, but it could be nonexistent. The electric bill might be high, but at least you still have heat and lights. Rent might be astronomical, but at least you still have a safe place to lay your head. And don’t even get me started on the internet access that allows me to share this post and you to read it; because believe it or not, there are still people in 2023 who don’t even have that. Meanwhile, most of us rely on it to access just about every resource we need to get by. 

Sticking together is the only way that we're going to make it through these times.

In a world riddled with individualism, selfishness, war, and human rights crises galore, I share this story to remind you that sticking together is the only way that we’re going to make it through these times. That man was excited over an 8 piece of fried chicken, something simple that most of us take for granted. And even though it was just a little bit, he still had the inclination in his heart to share it with someone else. We could all take a lesson from that.

I’ve been thinking a lot about our unhoused neighbors this season. The way that we avoid eye contact with them or pretend that we can’t see their need in order to avoid feeling guilty. The way we assume that we know their stories. The way that we feel inclined to dictate what’s “enough” for someone who has little to nothing. The number of them that we pass on the streets as we commute to and from our jobs and cozy homes. The way that our own privilege clouds our ability to see their worth as equal to our own…Despite the fact that, in this economy, none of us are too far removed from being in that same position. That is why this encounter moved me so deeply.

I challenge you, this Christmas and beyond, to remember that kindness is a simple act that still goes a long way. It’s not expensive, and it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. It’s as simple as treating others the way that you want to be treated. You might not be able to feed every hungry belly, clothe every body, or buy the block to build housing that takes people off the streets, but each small act of service and decency still matters and contributes toward the gradual uplift of all in the name of the greater good. 

The next time that you get ready to brush off someone who is asking for help (which can be humiliating enough by itself for people in vulnerable positions), or ignore the call to serve, I ask that you pause to put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if you were in a tough spot and found yourself on the receiving end of your own treatment?

I'm not naive; we all have plenty of things that we could complain about. Life is far from perfect and she stays life-ing all day long. But guess what? There's still plenty to be thankful for. If that man could be beam at a bag of chicken as if it were a bag of gold, then surely we can all find something to smile for.

Let’s all make an effort to be better and do right toward one another as we go into the new year.

Stay Kind. Spread Love. #StayKultured



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